Tired of wasting money and time on SARMs but not seeing the results you expected? Or have you decided to use roids to get huge and shredded but don’t know where to start?
You’re not alone. Thousands and thousands of guys have been where you are now.
So, where do you turn for real-world, accurate, proven information about using anabolic steroids, SARMs, and other PEDs safely and effectively to get the best results while minimizing or eliminating negative impacts?
You are at the right place! This website is a no-bull, straight-down-the-line reference guide to getting the absolute maximum from anabolic steroids, SARMs, and other performance-enhancing compounds…
So, let’s start…
Anabolic Steroids
Learn everything from types of AAS and how they work, side effects, what compounds to use, cycle examples (yes, including for first-time steroid users), injection techniques, and more.
Are you new to SARMs or feeling a little lost? Learn everything from types of SARMs and how they work to side effects, cycle examples (yes, also for first-time SARM users), and tons more.
Post Cycle Therapy
The ultimate guide to everything PCT, plus how to effectively use popular ancillary drugs like AIs and SERMs on-cycle to mitigate PED side effects.
PEDs for Women
This guide covers everything you need to know about the best PEDs for women (AAS, SARMs, and more) and how to use them with minimal risk.
There’s no guesswork and nothing that will have you asking, “What do I do now?“. It’s all laid out on the table and simple enough for even the greenest beginner to follow. And most importantly, you’ll learn how to do it safely and affordably while avoiding the mistakes that many others have made before you.
Ultimately, every individual has goals, and not every PED will work for you as it does for someone else. But if you can get 95% of the way there by virtually replicating what has worked for guys who’ve come before you, you’ve skipped ahead years of wasted time and money and can work on tweaking your PED cycles for maximum gains.
— Furious Joe